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Hurricane Irma and Maria (My Story)

Wednesday and Thursday September 6 and 14, 2017. The USVI experienced two category five hurricanes. My parents and I did everything that was needed to prepare for the two hurricanes. We stacked up on food and water. Couple days before the hurricane my grandparents called my parents and told us to go to the family house.

We packed some clothes and appliances (we thought that we were just going to stay there until the hurricanes were over). We went to the family house and stayed. The couple of days before Hurricane Irma was ok. On September 6, 2017 Hurricane Irma came with a force. In our family house the door to the laundry room came off and and banged up against the glass door. My parents were worried that the glass would break because i was sleeping in the living room on a pull out bed. They went outside and took the broken door and rested against a railing far from the glass entrance door.

After Irma passed we went to check on the house and see if it was ok. There was another house attached (the main house, we were staying in the attached apartment). The main house roof came off but half of it was still on. The tenants that were living there, most of their things got destroyed or water damaged. The day after that my parents and I went to check on our apartment. We spent hours mopping up water. Most of my shoes got destroyed along with my album. SOme of my parents things got damaged also. My parents decided to move out of that apartment. My grandparents told us to live in the family house.

Eight days after Irma, Maria came. Irma brought a lot of force and damage, but Maria, Maria brought water and wind and way more destruction. While I was sleeping in the living room my mom carried me in the bedroom. I didn’t know until when I woke up in the morning. I thought I walked while i was sleeping. My mom told me that she had a weird dream and she came in the living room where I was sleeping and watched the rain. She said and I quote, “The wind against the glass door was so strong I was scared, I saw the glass bend so I picked you up and carried you in to the bedroom and made sure that the glass wasn’t broken.

Hurricanes Irma and Maria did damage but also brought a silver lining. My grandparents told my mom if she wants to clean up the upstairs she can. My mom, dad and i cleaned the upstairs and lived in it. (The roof was on, it got fixed). While my grandparents are away my parents take care of all the new designs that are happening to the house. My mom got a lot of job offers and so did my dad. I changed schools.

The hurricanes were very devastating, people lost love ones, but that didn’t mean they should fall. The hurricanes brought a lot of pain and sorrow, but it shows that we are strong. We got knocked down but we rosed right back up.

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